I had the full mommy makeover after two pregnancies resulting in over 60lbs gains each time. I lost the weight on my own and the surgeries just were the icing on the cake...made me go from accomplished to freakin' supah star (in my mind ha!) Just keep in mind tummy tuck has nothing to do with the weight loss, separate deal…
Understood and before that I ask for a backrub and get just a backrub...oohh if only in my dreams....
I second the Uma...
That should be on a T-shirt!
TAM when that did actually happen!
I'm blind, I can't see him..
TAM when his battery died on his cordless mouse and he was on a personal website at work and his boss walks up to him.
Michael Cera from Super Bad
#2, its like your gonna save the world!
Take the total of X, subtract by the numerator, dividing by the remainder, add in the carbs, subtract out Y, let's see here *tipity type on the calc, rub my brow, chew my pencil...the calculations reveal...... I am going to be fat forever! Someone just get me some ice cream!!!
False I've never been out of the country
I also would like to be on cowbell island!
True I've never eaten a Big Mac
Beans in any form except Jelly, sardines, any "salad" that doesn't involve lettuce..tuna salad, egg salad, noodle salad..blech, will not touch mustard, raw onion, or almost any cooked vegetable, I can eat all raw vegies but don't cook 'em...i'll instantly gag..o and milk that is not going in my mouth *runs to get the puke…
I came here for the judging despite the (Absolutely No Judgement)...I knew that could never happen
I am horrifying at time management and spend waaayyy to much time on here...I'm like sucked into a vortex
He would never show his face
If I eat it before I log it, the world just ain't right and my butt cheecks hurt cuz they are a clenchin'...just so risky....
The dictionary, ha!
That is my "goal booty", ..Within 10 more lbs and its mine..boooyah! I guess I confess I have a goal booty.
I deactivated my account and started over b/c I missed two weeks of logging and couldn't face I'm just perfect again!