suhanisuri Member


  • I can totally understand where you are coming from. It is so hard expecially when you are sleep deprived, and the baby takes up most of your time. It took awhile for me to come to terms with this, but it really does take time, we have become so much more busier its hard to focus 100% on loosing weight. Here are some of the…
  • Always log! I know it seems like a drag sometimes, or you hate seeing those calories but it honestly does help you. When I go out to eat it can seem annoying, but it's the only way you will learn what you are putting in your body. When I go out, I usually will eat half of the meal and save the other half for the next day.…
  • I have a son who is turning 7 months this week. I use to eat extremely healthy, and i was very thin, my boyfriend said I looked unhealthy. Now that I've had my son, I go to the gym regularly, and I'm trying to loose the baby weight. I'm trying to find a healthy balance and be a good example for my son. I don't want to…
    in New Mom Comment by suhanisuri April 2015
  • DO not go under 1200, that is the lowest a female can go. Try fat blasting foods,and food that speed up your metabolism. Green tea, peanut butter, nuts, leans meats etc. have you tried switching up your working routine. Your body can get use to a workout, try amping it up or trying new things, that'll keep your body on its…
  • From personal experience, small changes is what helps lead to success. With food cut things out slowly, it takes about 21 days to get use to a change, so once a month change 1 thing that you eat. Before you know it you will see changes. That's one thing that helped me change my eating habits. In terms of exercising, you…