gpstreet Member


  • I think the ultimate compliment will be on the day when I stand on the scales and it shows that I have dropped below my target of 75kg. I will go out that evening and feast of lard burgers and pints of syrup. :-)
  • Being thin does not equate to looking good. Contemporary media outlets have a lot to answer for. They use photoshopping to deform the image of the human body away from the "natural healthy norm'.
  • I am losing weight because of my improved control of what I eat. Exercise helps me feel good whether it is the induced endorphins exercise creates or the fact I can have a blow out and know that, overall, I am still within my calories limits.
  • I make sure all the exercise I do is part of my day. For example I cycle to work and back (800 calories burnt) and I pop down the allotment whenever I can (200 calories). The exercise I do has a purpose. I am convinced the way to lose weight is to control your calorie intake. MFP has helped me by monitoring everything I…
  • To say to someone that you have noticed they have lost weight is implying you thought they were fat before. I can see how a compliment can have a secondary effect as an insult. I suppose you have to know the person to whome you give the compliment and whether they are confident in themselves.
  • I think snacks are defined as those small treats you have between your regular meals. I seem to have lots of snacks at irregular time. Sometimes just to tide me over before the next scheduled meal.
  • Ooooh, even better when a compliment is backed up with scientific empirical data. They say the camera never lies and an xray can see right through you.
  • I think a regular eating pattern helps you train your body to deal with what you want to give it. It is similar to sleep. I wake at 4.45am every morning and go to bed between 9 and 10pm. After a few weeks hardship I have become used to it.
  • a compliment from a doctor is worth a great deal.
  • learn to love yourself and be confidence in everything you do.
  • I eat at regula intervals but I have an impatient stomach. It is only 10 minutes before lunchtime and it is already moaning.
  • Colleague, who I have not seen for three weeks, paid me a compliment today. She said I have lost one of my triple chins.
  • I think compliments we pay ourselves are worth something. Standing back and noting the difference between before and after is important.
  • I remember, years ago, my uncle telling me that I had filled out a bit. The words were not as bad as the look of shock he had when he saw me. Then again it had been a long time since he had seen me and a lot of pies had passed under the bridge.I think he saw me before university time (19 years old) and some time after…
  • Losing weight is difficult and words of encouragement are helpful.
  • My wife said I didn't need to lose anymore weight. I am wondering if I should take that as a compliment or not :-s
  • What about the standard Japanese breakfast ? The basics are miso soup, fish, tofu and a bowl of rice. You can add pickles, an egg, mentaiko (spicy fish roe), boiled vegetables (asparagus). The thing I like about Japanese breakfast is there is a little of a lot. In other words, many small dishes of different things.
  • There was a television program where a former bully was tormented by what he had done to a kid in his school. He was desperate to find his victim, make sure he was ok and apologise. He seemed really sincere in how he felt and the apology it gave. Maybe there are two victims in bullying....on both sides. The important…
  • I did say to a girl today, it looks like she had lost weight. It occured to me she could of taken it as I thought she had been fat before. You cannot win sometimes.
  • I feel for you my friend. I hope things are better now for you !!!
  • I have to admit I was bullied in school. I look back and wish I had taken my friends advice and had it out with the bully. My friend told me that the bully had tried it on with him but he fought back and them became friends. Funnily I look back and realise that what I considered bully was probably just jostling and I had…
  • The radio program has a girl who was bullied and was a bully. As a bully she said their group tended to pick on the quiet kids. She had a change of heart when she finally made a girl cry. She realised she was doing wrong and it helped her reflect on her actions.
  • I am about a month away from my follow up medical. During my last medical, the doctor said I was borderline fat and at the upper limit of my BMI. I really hope the nurse I saw last time will notice all the effort I have put in. That would be a nice compliment.
  • I was always told that you should never assume she is pregnant unless you can actually see the baby coming out of her. :) :) :)
  • The only person we should be pleasing is ourselves. However it is always nice for our efforts to be recognised. This does not have to be just in losing weight, but in anything we have strived to accomplish.
  • Beware of such compliments- they are probably after something :-) ;-)
  • she is 10 years old.
  • I forget that exercise releases endorphins, the bodys natural high.
  • I have to say it is not the strollers that annoy me but the driver. Same goes for car drivers, cyclists, skateboards, dumper trucks, wheelies :-) My daughter is too big for a stroller and now when she is too tired to walk, I carry her. Fantastic form of exercise. :-)
  • Golden.