joining forces for a short time
Does this describe you ? English, Male, Straight, white, late forties. Always have a set of goals but can never seem to fulfil them ? I am reading an article about transforming habits. In one section it writes about joining forces with somebody. So I am looking for someone similar to myself (read above) so we can provide…
three month stint
It is the beginning of August. Plan is to be very strict with the dieting for at least 3 months. Anyone want to share this journey with me ?
How often do you weigh yourself ?
We have a saying in England 'Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves' It basically means if you are careful with the smallest amounts then the large amounts will automatically be taken care of. I was thinking the same about the sampling rate of taking weight measurements. I think daily is the most…
Certain foods
I am constantly calorie counting. What goes in, what goes out, are both measured with as much accuracy as I can. Yesterday and the day before were a calories deficit yet this morning my weight shot up. I have come to the conclusion that certain foods have a detrimental effect on weight control and not because of the…
friends and how to help them
I am happy to say I am building up a nice list of friends. Like me they want to lose weight. Sometimes I see they are being 'naughty' with their calorie intake. As an MFP friend is it my duty to reprimand them ? Does it help only having friends who are there to congratulate but not to scold ?
An obese person does not need to do one iota of exercise to lose weight
In an editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, three international experts said it was time to "bust the myth" about exercise. They said while activity was a key part of staving off diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia, its impact on obesity was minimal.…
A resurge in scything
Here in the UK, the bbc are showing an adaptation of the books Poldark by Winston Graham. It is a brilliant series and I can only offer my commiserations for all those outside of the UK who are unable to view it. Apparently Poldark may cause a resurge of scything, fuelled by a shirtless Aidan Turner cutting down a field of…
The greatest compliment
Well, in my opinion, the greatest compliment you can recieve when you are trying so hard to lose weight is to be asked "Have you lost weight ?" The problem is, you will not hear this from people who see you on a daily basis. I suppose this is because losing weight is a gradual process. I have to admit I do like to hear…
Having a regular eating schedule
I wonder if training the body to expect meals at regular times would help in weight control. Has there been any scientific research on this ? I did once read that putting your body into starvation mode can actually put weight on. Something about the body tries to store everything it eats.
Have you ever been bullied ?
I was listening to a radio article about bullying. One of the affects of bullying is weight gain in the victim. Have you been bullied ? Where you a Bully ?
A really bad day
Yesterday was a really bad day for me. Somehow I over indulged in hot cross buns, cheese sandwiches and beer. A couple of thousand calories over my limit. I am off work for two weeks so I have no chance to do my usual 20 mile cycle ride. Just wondered if anyone else has had these kind of days ? My thoughts have turned to…
Pointless exercise
I am going to get straight to the point. Exercise, for the sake of it, is pointless. Going to a gymn is a waste of time and money. You pay all that money to torture yourself in the hope you sculpture the perfect physique only to be tortured into submission and disappointment. You jog or run round the block only to find…
How denial can be a good thing
So at the moment you are trying to endure the pains of a diet. You are carefully measuring what you are eating and what you are burning. In this regime it is only natural to deny yourself certain foods and drink. No chocolate, no cake, no wine, no pizza and so on. However in truth, you are allowed to indulge in these…
cutting calories in rice by half
100 grams of cooked rice is 100 calories I understand. I have just come across research that claims to reduce the calories by 50%. They say you cook the rice as normal but with a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. Then cool it and stick it in the fridge for 12 hours. I wondered. Does it have to be coconut oil ? Would the…
Hate the weekends
I hate saturdays and I loath sundays. As for holidays in general I would love to punch the nose of the person who invented such a device for ruining a perfectly good diet. During the week I cycle to work. My job keeps me busy with distractions away from food and stress enough to keep the heart pumping fast. Holidays I have…
No eating after 6pm
I was chatting with a pensioner down the allotment the other weekend. This chap is skinny and confessed he never had a problem with his weight. He did tell me that he tries to stick to one rule which was never to eat after 6pm. Just wondered if there was any anicdotal evidence associated this rule.
Thiamin - AKA Vitamin B2
Years ago I read that the role of Thiamin was akin to a match setting light to the fuel stored in the body i.e. fat. So i wondered if this were true and whether increasing vitamin B2 would help burn away the fat stored in the body ? I am thinking of sublimenting my diet with more martmite which is suppose to be high in B2.…
I don't get it
It is starting to dawn on me that the human body is designed all wrong. The idea of fat is to store energy for the body right ? When we need energy we should be able to burn off that fat but instead we just feel hungry. So we eat more and our levels of fat storage increase. Something tells me this process of burning off…
You are a fatty
"But I don't feel fat" I replied to the doctor. I cannot say I trusted the doctor all that much so I asked for a second opinion. "You are ugly aswell" the doctor replied. Well maybe the conversation with my doctor didn't quite go like that but one thing that did come out of my bi-annual health check was I needed to lose a…
How to make food more tasty.
I wondered if anyone has noticed that the taste of food seems to improve when in a state of hunger ? During this diet I do watch my calorie intake very carefully and if I worry I will go over I will abstain from eating. However when I do have something to eat, the food seems to have taken on a new dimension to it.
Do you always have to have the last word ?
You know !! When inan arguement or discussion or just saying hello to someone and making small chit chat. Do you have to have the last word ?
The weight loss journey involves tripping over the occasional pie.
Thinking back over all the times I have tried to lose weight I realise there is a pattern. I start off with good intentions and fully motivated. I want to reach XXX weight after YYY time. I begin, I starve. I lose weight. However then something happens. It could be something like, "I will rewards myself this weekend with a…
Are hunger pains the equivalent of the gym burn ?
You know that time when you are in the gym. You might have heard words from the instructor pop into your mind, something along the lines of "feel the burn. That's muscles being built". Well I just wondered if in losing weight, the equivalent of the burn are those hunger pangs ? What exactly is that pain ? Is it a signal…
Can red wine be classed as one of your five a day
Here in Britain we are reminded to take our five a day. Five fruit and vegetables are needed for healthy living. So today has been a great day. Kept within the daily limit and burnt loads of calories through exercise. The balance is such that I can enjoy a glass or two of red wine and still be within budget. Then I came to…
It started out so well.
The day started off ok. Usual breakfast of cup of black tea, muesli with milk. The big difference was this breakfast was taken at 5.30am and not 6.30am (yes I am an early bird :-) ). Plus today was a trip taking my daughter to the hospital so no chance of the usual cycle ride to work and the daily exercise routine. The…
cheese and carrot flapjack
Lifted from here http://www.riverford.co.uk/recipes/view/recipe/carrot-flapjack For six people ingredients 150g rolled oats 570 calories 175g finely grated carrots 80 calories 175g grated cheese 600 calories 1 egg beaten 0 calories pinch of mixed dried or fresh herbs, salt + pepper bit of butter 102 calories total…