Committedtochange2015 Member


  • If that's the case, then don't do it. But I am & I'm feeling healthier & if that's all I get from it, then that's all I need. I'm incredibly ill and doing something like this has made me feel & look healthier. I watched "Super Juice Me" and "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" and both make sense to me. I am fat, sick and nearly dead…
  • I have shared my experiences and opinions on 2 threads, with good intentions. Ultimately these people are going to do whatever they want. I have stopped putting toxins (alcohol, caffeine, processed food, all of it!) in my body, if that's the only benefit from juicing, then great! But I don't feel like it is. My…
  • I genuinely feel sorry for some of you, that you feel the need to attempt to belittle someone to get your point across. I have shared my experience in the hope that it might inspire someone who is thinking of giving it a go. I couldn't care less about your negative comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion! I've lost…
  • Hello, I've looked into it as even I was unsure, I don't claim to know everything, I was merely suggesting that removing all of those toxins could only help. And are proving to help me. Aspartame, sulfites, benzoates and yellow dye No. 5 are all preservatives that have been identified as preservatives that could exacerbate…
  • Hello Ashly, I'm doing a juice detox, I'm on day 15! I have lost 1st 1lb in 2 weeks. I have taken my day 1 measurements and plan to take more measurements month 1 (in 2 weeks). I am weighing myself weekly, but not only weight, BMI%, body fat in st/lbs, body fat percentage & H2O%. Juicing has to be a personal choice,…
  • You can juice a vegan pizza - tomatoes & basil. Enjoy! :#
  • I disagree with most of the answers above, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm on a juice detox. I'm on day 15 and have only drank fresh pressed fruit and veg, hot lemon water & fruit tea (when I fancy something hot). I have lost 1st 1lb in 2 weeks, I have a lot more to loose, but this is only the start! With…