Alma102724 Member


  • Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement! I felt like I was alone in all of this, I guess a lot of people feel that way. So many pages I had to scroll through lol, I'm back in the gym and I'll take that as my therapy. It really helps to just focus on the one thing. Like say for example today I do legs, I focus on…
  • Yes that is exactly how I felt! Especially how you mentioned not crying at all, some days I'm so nonchalant about everything. Then there's days like this, where I think I should be sad. For him it was always too hot or cold, too much light coming in it had to always be dark and I'd get so frustrated and tell him he needed…
  • Yes this April. It's still kinda fresh.
  • Ok heres my 3rd contribution to this thread: My dad AND my dog died on April 19. My dog at 3:00am and my dad at 5:28pm. He had a stroke and was recovering from it, was set to be released, then he had another massive stroke which did it for him. He was on a breathing tube, which he was against from the get go, but he was…
  • I have a whole drawer dedicated to supplements and protein. Currently its filled with: A multivitamin, Biotin, BCAA caps, L- Arginine, L-Carnitine, L-Theanine, Omega 3, L-Glutamine, a "power pak" that's supposed to help me get to sleep although I haven't used that one, white kidney bean extract ISO Dymatize Protein Powder…
  • I love this thread! It's funny but not in a "ha ha you did that." type of way, more of a "ha ha, I thought I was the only one!" Ok here goes my confession, Sometimes I eat very little (8 - 900 calories) and still go to the gym. When I get off the treadmill I get really dizzy but tell myself that it's just because I'm…
  • Ok I lied, I didn't just now download MFP. I've had it for a long time but I never kept track of it. It just seemed like one more thing I had to keep track of on top of everything else (calories, fat, proteins, exercise etc.) That was almost 3 years ago, today I am focused on becoming a Nurse and either Personal Trainer or…
  • Hi I just now downloaded MFP need friends add me!
  • I agree Fage plain Greek yogurt