

  • I bike. I have 120 more pounds to lose and biking is the one thing I have found that works for me right now. Hoping to start swimming when money allows for gym pool membership. Biking is low impact and can go at any pace you can. I ride on flat surfaces right now as I can't do much else.
  • It sounds like the Fitbit zip is the one I am going to want. I do not particularly want the wrist one either. I never thought about the tan lines on the wrist that is a good point! I don't want that either.
    in Fitbit?? Comment by MsJess92 March 2015
  • Wow what an amazing bunch of info from you all! I purchased a jawbone up move last night but returned it immediately this morning as the entire layout of the app was more confusing then I can explain and it really only counted steps. I am not super into wearing things on my wrists so I am worried about that aspect of most…
    in Fitbit?? Comment by MsJess92 March 2015
  • I had purchased some and used them to replace my breakfast and sometimes lunch since I am super busy those times and normally didn't eat much at those times anyway. I did loose weight but when I started using this app I found that they had the bad fats. I also found that it became less of a meal and more of a drink to my…
  • As I've gotten older and my motivators have moved from being popular, having a boyfriend etc. to being healthy for my family, being able to DO things with my family I've come to a more clear understanding of my 'condition' and the fact that it's not going to happen over night nor is it going to all just be fixed as soon as…
  • Thank you Rebecca. Good luck to you as well!