

  • I'm here to and I'm also just starting please feel free to friend me Sometimes it's hard for others to get it. I'm always calling myself a turtle slow and steady. It's hard to resist the urge to jump in full throttle like I used too!
  • Im 52 and I have to start slow and ramp up slowly due to fibromyalgia. I would love supportive friends! Please friend me! My first goal is to lose 6 pounds by my birthday and to lose 10% of my body eight before I go back to the Dr (three months) I also would love to get the sugar out of my life! Im addicted to coffeemate…
  • that would be crossfitting apparently jumping right in doesn't include proofreading either!
  • Am I the only person who thought it was way to easy for the girl to climb out and back in?whats to stop anyone from breeching the perimeter and taking the town pretty easily? rick became sheriff with access to everything pretty easily too. How did this group last so long? So glad they finally got to bathe! Yes Carol is too…
  • Woodstock
  • oh yes definitely friend me everyone! Its so hard to find friends who get it!
  • Just go very very slowly start with walking 10 minutes a day and add a few minutes per week. Its really difficult on bad days and to know where the line is but just stick with it. If you can afford to find a PT who works with fibro that can be helpful and helps with accountability. Swimming is great but the chemicals can…