kp3868 Member


  • So I went to the Dr today. 2/18 was at 169.7 and today was at 157.2.. Not bad for a little over a month. I've really focused this month on my protein intake!! My scale and the Dr's vary slightly. He was extremely pleased with my focus and commitment this month since I had a 10lb gain over the last 3 months. As I near the…
  • 85lbs down!! 25 to go to meet my 100 goal!!! This continues to encourage me each and every day!
  • I've never been above the 120's since 6th grade at 5 foot tall my max was 226 most recently 18 months ago since then I've lost 85lbs. When I was 22 weighing about 185 wearing a negative A cup with sock fillers I made the decision to have implants. Auhh best decision of my life for my self esteem! I can't tell you what…
  • Who counts posts and what form of accreditation is that? Huh... not sure. But being through countless nutrition clases, passed exams and successfully completing a bariatric program at an accredited hospital that eventually passed me for VGS or for the uneducated the gastric sleeve the first thing I had to do is learn to…
  • Nope.. no camera on mine. Using android app & pc site..Must be my phone!
  • Yes they do!! Most of the time!
  • Well I'm at 600/900 calories a day. I'm on a supervised diet by a physician so halt on the negative comments and let me finish! Im 5 foot tall and currently at 156lbs I was 226lbs Some days I reach 600 others I do not. Some days I may go to 1000. Just depends on my appetite. I do not have am eating disorder or a mental…
  • This really ticks me off I can't get pictures to work on here. Auuuh mfp please add a photo link!
  • 226 vs 175 vs 156
  • 18 month's 85lbs lost.. 24 to go to meet goal! Hopefully the URL works this time. If not someone PLEASE HELP ME!!
  • Fa You look fantastic! !
  • [URL=
  • Heres to thrwoback thursday!! Down 86lbs! !
  • I kinda have to trick my body. I had bariatric surgery about 18 months ago and I've hit plateau twice! Ive attended countless nutrition classes that explain plateau and how to breech it. I go weeks of loosing at least a half pound /3lbs a week and suddenly my body stops responding I know one or two has happened. My body…
    in Setpoint Comment by kp3868 March 2015
  • Add!! I Love all people LGBT or straight! ! Doesn't matter to me! Well we are as one in Christ no matter the case!! Let's get motivated to kick some weight!
  • I've been there. I topped the scale at 200lbs my senior year and in 5th grade I was 2nd largest in the whole class. I'm only 5 foot tall so 200lbs looks amazing on me ill tell ya! But hey look on the brighter side. I bet you have beautiful eyes. Plus me as a big girl always took extra pride in cleanliness and neatness. I…
  • You may try eating protein rich foods. Chicken, turkey, fish. I always try to add green in there too. Spinach is my green of choice. This helps you stay fuller longer and fuels your body to burn fat and preserve muscle! Add a protein shake at mid morning ND afternoon. This should help some! I like muscle milk 100 or Pure…
  • Ummm yes!! It's great. I take 2 slices of boars head roasted sliced turkey breast cut on #3 and wrap it around spinach with a little sprinkle of low fat matzerella and make my wrapless wrap! ! That and a protein shake is about 180 calories perfect with a halo to round out 205 calories for a breakfast or lunch. Packed full…
  • Obviously I can't spell!! Lol.. this phone!! Urh Light weights to tone up!!
  • My husband and I were engaged September of 2009 and we set our dat for 4/10/10 I found my dress in January purchased it with no alterations. It wouldn't zip about 5 inches. The girl said are you sure you want to do this??? I smiled and asked her for my bag to go! I told her I would Bring her photos when the wedding was…
  • I definitely still struggle at times. Like I mentioned surgery was just one step I almost allowed it to slip away from me. Especially when I've had a long day at work, I get home and the chores never stop. Then feeding/bathing/bedding 3 tots.. I felt back around November and allowed myself to fall right back into post…
  • Your height and weight will be a factor in how much energy you burn. The more you weigh, the more energy it takes to move or maintain your body, therefore you will burn more calories. A BMR for a typical 25 year-old, 130 lb, 5' 2" female is approxiamtely 1400 calories. A 25 year-old man who is 6 ft, 200lbs BMR is…
    in Frustrated! Comment by kp3868 March 2015
  • I love everything about myself.. From the scar in my forehead, my green eyes, my gap that I spent 6k on lumineers fixing only for it to re-open, my flabby baby belly & my crooked little toe!! Hey God gave me this temple and I abused it by over eating. I'm back on track. 85lbs down with 30 to go! I'm a people person! I love…
  • Well I'm a seasoned mom of 3 under 4. My son was 18 months old when I had twins. I gained 23lbs with son/26lbs with my twins. My high weight was 226lbs. I'm currently at 161 with 35 to go! I'm 5 foot tall so 226lbs was a huge amount on my tiny frame. I'd love to follow you in your journey as new moms!
  • It's a common misconception that I'm starving myself when I tell people the plan I'm on. They say wow 600/900 calories wow. The most common question is are you hungry all the time?? No I don't feel hunger in the same sense as I once did. This allows me to eat less often and also make healthier food decisions such as meat…
  • I have to admit.. Having bariatric surgery was no easy way out. If not it's harder. Learning to eat all over again the things you can digest good others not so good.. I've lost 85lbs in about 18 months with a small gain of 10lbs over the holidays.. You asked for a good tip.. I have a couple... Eat on a baby plate.. Eat…
  • I've always had issues with weight and I gained 26lbs with my first and 26lbs with my twins that I had 18 months after.. I only lost that plus 10/15lbs before I decided i had enough and was ready to change my life and have the gastric sleeve . I was pregnant for literally 2 years of my life! ! It felt that way anyways. ...…
  • I log daily but due to calorie count it says I'm too low! Maybe I can just screen shot and post the url! I do really good when I'm motivated seeing results. . When I stall I tend to get off track. .