jessicavburton Member


  • What kind of morning routine do you have? I have to get up because I have to get my kids up and ready, then take them to school. I get my gym bag all ready the night before and after I take the boys to school, I go straight to the gym. I'm already out, so that helps. Set small, achievable goals and then go for them! No…
  • I'm looking to lose 20# also, well now it's 18# pounds because I'm down 2#! What motivates you?
  • It's been a while since I've been pregnant, but I know how you're feeling. I was doing well, then in the course of ONE summer, I gained a bunch of weight. All of my gym partners end up bailing and sometimes keeping the motivation is hard. I'm happy to help support/motivate you! maybe it will hold me accountable as well. : )