jadezia Member


  • If you care for her health, care for both physical and emotional health. Overweight people KNOW they're overweight. If you're reminding her constantly or telling her what to eat, etc, you will succeed in two things: pushing her away from you, and damaging her mental state. She could react by eating more to cope…
  • Greek yogurt, today was strawberry, with water. :)
  • Checking in! This is my first "event" on MFP, so this should be exciting :D I am going on a beach vacation July 4th week, so its perfect. I'll add myself to the (bottom of) spreadsheet, as well.
  • Great, thanks for your opinion! The site is a little gimicky in appearance, which is why I was a little weary, haha.
  • Gah, that sounds amazing! I love to travel with my dogs, I can imagine camping with a wolfhound would be blast. Maybe once I get a bigger house, I could look into one, then. They're so gorgeous, and the one's I've met have always been gentle giants. /swoon
  • Shelties are hands down the best behaved dogs I've ever had the pleasure of owning. They're smart, gorgeous and loving companions. I currently own a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier mix, and she's the sweetest little lap dog I've ever seen. Not nearly as smart as my Sheltie, and you can't beat the Sheltie coat, but sweet and loves…
  • Oh my goodness, I can't imagine the anxiety you must be feeling. My cat is my world, and I would be an absolute wreck if she had to go through surgery. Sammy looks amazing for being twenty (your cat is the same age I am - good lord), so I'm sure he'll do wonderfully. Positive thoughts your way!!
  • Just make sure you can pour the salad out into a bowl when you finally eat them. Its nearly impossible to mix everything up while its still in the jar. My office keeps bowls in our kitchen so its not a big deal for me, but if your workplace doesn't, definitely bring a bowl!
  • Probably just water weight, don't be discouraged! Last Thursday I gained just over four pounds right before I started my monthly, and when I weighed myself this morning, I had lost it plus some. You're doing great! :D
  • I... I think OP just meant the guy didn't clean up after himself. Totally okay to sweat, just, ya' know, wipe it up. If I have to use my towel to clean up someone else's sweat, and then go to wipe sweat off of my face, its just not sanitary. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my assumption is the guy just wasn't cleaning up…
  • I make mason jar salads. Google them and you'll find a plethora of recipes and ideas. They travel very well and last an entire week in the fridge (I prepare them during the weekend). The main idea for these awfully hipster-seeming lunches is to keep the greens crispy, and it works wonderfully. It looks stupid, but hey, I…
  • Salads can actually taste really, really great without fattening dressing. It was like a whole new world opened up when I found that out. :D