lezlie21 Member


  • I am hopefully getting a reduction. I will be fine with scars, beside they fade away hugely. I had 3 c sections and no one can find my scar, it is that faded. I am currently 36G/H, technically a 35, some 34s fit, other 36. After I had kids they grew, then I had a full hysterectomy and they grew even more! I had a 34DD to…
  • I am confused too. I have the flex. Its saying I am over budget, 1243 calories in --1838 calories out and 75 left in budget. Is there somewhere where it actually explains in detail what all this stuff is? I found nothing, not even in fitbit site.
    in Confused Comment by lezlie21 April 2015
  • Read Wheat Belly Total health by Dr. Davis. Ive lost 6 lbs in last 2 wks since being on it. Coconut oil is fantastic! You eat more fats, little carbs. I eat only meats, veggies(no root veggies/potatoes), berries only(moderation), nuts and cheeses. So basically anything that doesnt need a label. Using coconut oil everyday…