I've tried the steak and the mince, was very good quality and reasonably low calorie.
Thanks for all of the advice :) I think i'm going to continue with the diet to see if the weight starts coming of my stomach now that it has gone everywhere else, and introduce some exercise to try and tone up. I do go over my sugar macros quite a lot, but that tends to be from fruit.
My personal favorite has been 2 meringue nests (the ones in coop are only 50cal each) with a spoonful of no fat Greek yogurt sweetened with splenda one each, topped with strawberry's or raspberry. Works out about 150 calories, but not so good if your watching your sugar.
I have the same problem, usually to fix it i edit the recipe to change the number of portions, save it, then edit it to change it back again and save it, usually this fixes the problem , though it can take a few goes.