just have to stay focus on the main prize ! Right calories and stay away from sugars and fats with 30-45 mins of workouts will do wonders... Just remember if you treat your body right it will treat you right ! Good luck you have my support
depends on what you trying to achieve... just want to lose weight/water very quick juice but i say eat your 6 meals a day and drink either a juice or smoothie as the snack. You want your body to get the right amount nutrition's it needs.... watch your intake on calories and stay away from sugars and fats with 30-40 mins of…
eat right in the " Kitchen " and go to the gym and make some sweat ! The only person you need to make happy is yourself..anything else its for the wrong reasons.
no such thing as " NO " time..... its a cheap way of getting out of something ! Starts in the kitchen then if you add alittle extra workout your body will reward you down the road.
just takes time... if the muscles are sore then you done it right ! keep pushing...