ryan_aye Member


  • Nice job! I'm down 65 lbs and am 5 away from my goal but you've blown me out of the water. I see you replied to the comments stating you had significant muscle bulk which wouldn't be possible with a deficit but I have a very similar build as you 5'11" with similar muscle definition so you already didn't need to 'prove'…
  • Like everyone else has said, keep up the good work and continue to get a deficit. Building up more muscle can help increase your metabolism which in addition to eating well will help you to continue to lose that remaining fat sooner. Stick with you and eventually you'll get there, to quote one of my friends "Your body is…
  • I recommend adding some type of physical activity be it walking, running, riding, weight lifting to push up the amount of calories you can consume in one day beyond the 1200 by 'earning' more calories through your workout then eating back about 1/2 of the calories you 'earned.' My wife has about 1200 calories per day but…
  • Tandoori chicken generally doesn't have a sauce and is just grilled chicken, very tasty! My favorite is chicken mahkani or chicken tikka masala both of which have cream in the sauce so I generally just save up my calories for Indian food when we plan to eat it. We're planning on Indian food today as well actually so looks…
  • If you have access to a pool you can do some great workouts with very low impact on your feet and joints.
  • While I'm not a huge fan of McDonald's I did have a grilled chicken sandwhich and medium fries from Burger King last night and was still well within my goal.
  • Thanks for posting this, I've had this occur sporadically but never really looked into it. Thinking back on when this did occur it is very likely those instances when I was not lifting my feet while working out.
  • A few people commented when I had lost about 15-20 pounds but most people really started noticing at 25-30 pounds. I've lost over 50 pounds and it's been very evident. I don't really like to call attention to myself so I didn't mind people not noticing but it's definitely nice when someone does say something. A lot of it…
  • I've lost 45 pounds, still have a bit more to go to get to my target, but the best advice I can give is to have realistic goals, measure your food and stick with it. It's very easy to underestimate the amount of food you consume so having a scale is very beneficial to ensure you know how many calories you're consuming to…
  • Some peanut butter usually does the trick for me or protein bar. I try to eat slowly and also drink plenty of water to see just how hungry I actually am and hopefully feel full after waiting. If that doesn't work then I'll try a banana and again wait for the hunger to subside. If all else fails then plan C is to gradually…
  • The egg white delight (with ham instead of sausage) is only 250!
  • Been there. I was in the best shape of my life then got into an accident and injured my knee and broke my elbow which reduced my activity significantly. Since then I've never been as good of shape and would get frustrated and eventually fall off the wagon. It happens but it definitely shows ones' character if they push…