

  • The reason I skipped the veggies? Because I overslept and didn't meal prep last night. I am 18 months in remission for ovarian cancer and since then I sleep terribly at night so most every day I oversleep and spend my morning rushing around to get out of the house on time. However, I am having brussel sprouts for…
  • Day 1 wasn't entirely too bad. I had a couple of times that I thought I was going to starve but I managed to get through them. I have just sat down at my desk to eat breakfast, 3 slices of bacon and an omelet minus any of the good stuff(veggies). I cooked the bacon at home, but I have this breakfast maker form Tupperware…
  • I am not an artificial sweetener person so I avoid them anyway. I just want to make sure that I can survive this LOL. I know I can and have before but keeping control of myself since chemo has been a huge struggle! Thank you all!