I have really always lifted, just not as consistently or as regulated as I do now. It's really imperative to losing weight. Building muscle burns fat all day long whereas cardio only burns it while you're doing it. Cardio is truly only something that should be used in a pinch when you need to shed body fat in a short…
Thank you so much! It's so easy to forget how far you've come when you're still working so hard to achieve other goals! I love having pictures to compare :)
Thank you everyone! Yep 78lbs! I lift heavy weights on a regular basis so I believe that's why It looks like a larger loss. I currently weigh 140lbs at 5'5" but of that weight 118lbs is lean matter. I'm currently at 16% body fat. But the muscle is the biggest reason. :)
Officially 78lbs down :)
This is fun! 2013 starting weight 218lbs tight size 18 (probably more like a size 20) Current weight 140lbs size 4-6 :) Keep up the great work everyone!!