Holy moly, MFP wifey! The new pic is HOT! I am an lucky woman! ;)
Dance and hug!
@leut_underpants , I'll go with you! :)
I'd date a fellow "Jo", Of course! ;)
- Ms Wong should thank the autism spectrum. Without people who can focus on one thing without caring for social aspects of life she wouldn't have an Internet or smart phone to spew hate on!
Ooohhh baby, I loves you!!! Ditto ditto. You are killin' it, sweets!
Ok! Pillsbury cinnamon rolls in the morning. Tons of Bananas. Dry Apple jacks. Cheese pizza.
My son is the opposite- he looked like an American/Ethiopian child bc he is so skinny. Almost mal-nourished looking! He only eats about 5 different foods right now, but he eats and eats! doctors say he is fine, but when he is in the backyard playing in just a diaper and covered in mud I worry that people will think the…
I feel y'all! It's not easy. There is no book telling us what to do because while all the kids are on the spectrum, they are each as different as snowflakes! I always say when you meet one kid with know one kid with autism. It is all improv, trial and error, and lots and lots of faith.
Oh my gosh! I just saw these replies!!!!
Clue. Biggest fear?
Bah! You nailed it I mean.
MrNundy- you nailed.
I think he smiles easily, has a sense of humor, educated, but has some kinks he is into.
Exhausted, but Happy. (a story of love, family, kids, autism, and laundry)
Crap, I meant to replay "Good, I'm not alone on this wave length" to this one! I need a MFP 101 class for this *kitten*. Blarfengar!
Oh good! I'm not alone on this wave length! ;)
Love Shack- the Atlanta highway
Ooooh baby, Mama likes to hear that! on a scale of 1-10 you are a 12!
10, I love the sassy face!
Hooray! Happy Birthday!!!
In! Not on. :)
False People on mascot like costumes or Disney character full body costumes. Those people are creepers.
I'd pretend I was going to high five, and then SPANK!
Paradise city (again, someone has to take you down)
Was it raining?!
R Right on is not out of style! Ok, maybe, but I say it all the time! No doy Cool beans Mind your beeswax Bull donkey
Sesame Street (ask for directions)