

  • For me personally that's the ticket! I was in the best shape of my life when I did p90x/Insanity hybrid. I switched it to body beast/max 30 so I can change the composition- also to experiment a little. I can't wait to see how it goes. I'll have to take an active recovery day and stretch or do yoga or something. Last time…
  • Mods are great! I did all 3- still my fave is the original. I agree with Ryudori with it's simplicity and effectiveness, but yes unfortunately, it's long. Keep going with the mods and you will get it it. I know may people who did either p90x, x2, x3, max 30, etc and they are all over the place. But they're there, showing…
  • Feel free to add me!
  • Add me! I'm staring a Body Beast Insanity Max 30 hybrid in about a week and a half! First round I got amazing results!
  • Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Hey! My name is Jen :smile: Been here off and on but am really trying this time to get my eating in check! Started last week! Feel free to add and I'll do the same!