lizzihodges Member


  • Starting late.. Starting weight: 180 Current weight: 149 November goal: 144 Ultimate goal: 132 5th 12th 19th 26th
  • I have lost a total of 2 and a half stone and have around another 7 to 12lbs to loose depending on how I feel when I get there. Thanks for reassuring me that 1lb every 3 weeks is quite normal, I just feel like I've hit a brick wall but I will persevere and try and add a few good fats to my diet and reduce anything that's…
  • Just a question about daily stats if anyone can help? On my daily stats I always eat over my protein goal, the exact amount of carbs but very few grams of fat. I try to stick at round 1200 kcal a day apart from a Saturday were I class one meal as a "cheat" (I don't go mad). My weight loss is very slow and it yoyo's alot so…