emmy_marino Member


  • Hey when you post things on the www you open yourself up to this ... A simple post about monitoring your macros on this app by the end of it the comments and everything had nothing to do with what the simple intent was. This is all part of the process I don't take these posts to heart people have good intent (mostly) and…
  • When you look up Macros you get a lot of body building bro science that is very true! I think the avg pop shouldn't ignore macros either
  • 110% agree with you! I found USDA's recommendation for protein too low as well. My OP was extremely too general but what you just said above is literally exactly what I would like to point out in this app its a great feature you can learn more about and play around with. I was surprised how off my numbers were sometimes…
  • But you be the judge my GENERALIZATION and starting point for people to have their carb range stay in the 40-60% is wrong and so is MFP's default average, so is USDA's avg and all these articles also are incorrect? Again GENERAL, AVG, STARTING POINT, are all words that relate to that 40-60% number it does not mean YOU…
  • http://www.innerbody.com/nutrition/macronutrients : "Carbohydrates in the Diet Carbohydrates, protein and fats are macronutrients, meaning the body requires them in relatively large amounts for normal functioning. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for carbohydrates for children and adults is 130 grams and is based on…
  • http://www1.msjc.edu/hs/nutr100/energy_macro_need.html : "IMPORTANT: Most RD's recommend 55-60% of calories from carbohydrates with less than 10% of carbohydrates coming from simple carbs like sodas, sweets, chips, etc. and 20-30% of calories from fats with less than 7% coming from saturated fats and none coming from trans…
  • So everything they post is irrelevant? Their quote of USDA average recommendations is correct and they do a good job of explaining this Marcronutrient component in an easily digestible read. Look it up yourself then! I found tons on info on Macros and "suggestions" on what optimal is and it was ALL based on what your level…
  • 10-15 rep range is general conditioning, lifting heavy is relative. Do you fatigue towards your last few reps or do you fly through your exercises easily. Lifting heavy means choosing an appropriate weight that will fatigue you towards the end of your reps. Are you training for general fitness? Hypertrophy? Strength?…
  • Personal trainers get a bad rap when they speak on nutrition because there are many out there that will say outlandish things. I agree ACE doesn't focus much on nutrition of have my NSCA CSCS so it's more sports oriented and I went that route because I was a former athlete and thought initially I wanted to train athletes…
  • To say it's a completely separate field I would have to disagree. Your client can workout all they want with you and be hindering every bit of those results through their nutrition. You NEED to be able to give them some guidelines to help them in their journey but you should not be prescribing supplements and drawing up…
  • Better stated I should have said in order for your body to function properly you need to consume a minimum amount of carbs to keep it running. This minimum will greatly depend on your activity level and the type of activity that you do. Lol it does make sense that because your requirement for protein is so high that their…
  • Agree with that one! I feel sometimes people don't get taken seriously if they don't state who they are what they do and where they come from. I finally realized that while Instagram and Twitter and all those other social mediums are great not everyone on there is interested in fitness and nutrition where as here on MFP…
  • Tough love right! No that does make sense and while I am very confident in my knowledge I can always and will always be learning more! I see the short comings of my post but I also see people moving the point away from what the intent was and focusing on specific sentences and taking things out of context. Sometimes…
  • Although I am new to this app as a contributor I did some trial posts and in a way introducing myself, what I'm here for, and what I do! I learn from my clients and they learn from me! Although I am new to my fitness pal as actually being interactive I am not new to this industry. When I refer to professional I mean like…
  • I feel though there should be a separate section for these experienced users and then they can talk about specifics etc when I wrote on the General Weight Loss board I was realllllly thinking General and lamens terms and keeping it very very surface just to open up people to looking at Macros where they once didn't even…
  • If this post does nothing more than make people research what this is all about I feel like it is successful!
  • I definitely monitor everything on here and try to bring it around full circle the grams work for you so stuck with it :) whatever you are comfortable with and whatever works or has been prescribed to you by a professional! Our roads to success are all different!
  • Promoting balance in your macros I highly doubt is bad information and of course in order to build muscle (man or woman) you need to lift heavy and lift heavy consistently again this isn't a post about gaining muscle mass if it were I would've gotten into specifics. I used and rieterated generalized norms and minimums that…
  • Completely see what you meant here I should have taken your warning more seriously! I don't believe in rules and fads because my training is based on an individual basis what works for one person will not work so well with another but I also believe we need a benchmark starting point and then adjust it for clients from…
  • Alright me responding at 4 am in the morning obviously was a bad choice however I should have been specific in that case where most people trying to loose weight have an excess amount of fat and therefore they go into a calorie deficit and up their protein intake and results have yeilded an INCREASE in muscle mass and a…
  • Watching your macros was simply a suggestion from me in order to pay attention to foods and what they contain it's not the be all end all and will instantly give you results and that you MUST follow this of course different things work for different people and your needs may be different! I'm happy that you have found…
  • Just like with anything it takes some prep, planning, and getting used to! I'm glad you have found something that works for you and you've seen positive results and are sticking to it!
  • Very very true! The term is sometimes used interchangeably and it shouldn't be. Right now the personal training industry is not very highly regulated ... You can have someone that can become a personal trainer in a week and then someone that's gone to school and actually knows what they are talking about. My goal was to…
  • Being Vegan takes a lot of dedication and paying complete attention to what you consume I admire that so much! How long have you been Vegan? How tough is it to find nutrient substitutes?
  • And now we are talking about something far off from what the intent of this post was. Maybe I should have just wrote "Hi everyone check out your Macro Percentages and keep an eye on them and try and eat balanced meals" "don't ignore where your calories come from" There are some things that deserve a post in themselves so…
  • I am at 45-50% carbs myself too. Love the carbs!!! Let me clarify "starvation mode": lack of energy, lethargy etc meaning you cannot get as good of a workout you are miserable and fatigued and you are not giving your body adequate nutrients to function optimally. Not giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover after…
  • Agreeing with you again! Just like one day doesn't make you skinny and one day doesn't make you fat it's the collective ... I think it all depends on the activity level. What has surprised a lot of my clients is that they are tired, drained and lethargic coming to their sessions because they are not consuming enough carbs.…
  • Thank you! I think you maybe the only one that gets the ultimate goal of my post and you nailed it! This was my first big community post and while I thought I was simply being helpful and giving a quick tip I did not stress certain very important points that you mentioned that I also later needed to clarify! Work in…