143Minnie Member


  • This time around, I think that's why it's working so well for me so far, is because I realized this. (that it'll be a slow process). I think maybe my guilt was putting gasoline on my anxiety (fire) that I started to panic that I didn't do right. I'm going to take a good walk tomorrow and be very happy with myself that I…
    in Rest day? Comment by 143Minnie May 2015
  • Thanks both of you for the super quick replies. I might actually take your systems and try them, see if they work for me.
    in Rest day? Comment by 143Minnie May 2015
  • huh. Thanks! that actually makes me feel a little better. One of the times I've tried strength training/cardio to help lose weight and tone up I actually would try so hard, get incredibly sore and just give up. I do not want to do that again.
    in Rest day? Comment by 143Minnie May 2015
  • I don't know why I never found out there were more replies to this thread but better late than ever : THANK YOU to all your replies and ideas! I honestly didn't even realize there were more replies! I unfortunately don't have a trader joes close to where I live - I'm in Canada, not even sure there's some in Canada. I had…
  • I've tried making my own balsamic vinaigrette but the vinegar and the oil don't mix like they do in the Kraft version... so it just ends up tasting really bad. thanks for you input everyone :)