I definitely overeat. Whether it's binge-eating or just eating too much when going out to dinner, I do it, and I do it often. Which is also a leading cause as to why I'm not losing any weight and gained back all the pounds I lost. (I'm very sad about that, actually). But how did you guys lose it and stay motivated and…
I totally understand! My mom was the same way for a really long time. August through November I suffered with an eating disorder and now, I suffer with bingeing (which I guess is another eating disorder) and I gained back all the weight I lost, plus some. I constantly cry and I'm always hiding myself under baggy clothing-…
I always overeat and binge. I used to eat 4000 calories in a day because I binged so much over the holidays, but now it's gotten slightly better and seems to stay around 2500 when I binge (give or take a few hundred calories). I always pack on the pounds though and can never seem to get rid of them!! Does this happen to…
I understand completely! I do the same thing. I had lost so much weight, and after the beginning of the year, I gained all of it back (all 15 pounds! plus some!). I'm always so upset and angry at myself but I always say "tomorrow is a new day" so I can just start fresh the next day.
I totally understand. I feel that way, too. Lately, I've been binge-eating and in the last 2 weeks I've gained about 5 pounds. I can't seem to get back on the "health wagon" either.