gnnamkit Member


  • Nicely done, what's your routine? I have a hard enough time doing 14 days on site, how do you manage 30?? Send an Add through if you want!
  • Don't rush into anything. If you go too hard too soon, you'll wear yourself out and become unmotivated. Done it heeeeaps of times. Plenty of people and groups on here to challenge you and keep you going. Good luck!
  • Perthian checking in.
  • Thanks! Yeah the will is sometimes lacking after a busy swing so I'm trying different methods to keep me focussed. Fingers crossed this will be the key! I dropped heaps of weight a few years ago but over time it snuck up on me and now I'm back at the start. Here we go again!
  • Woo! Perth represent! Just moved from Bayswater to Ellenbrook, working FIFO and aiming to lose all the kgs I can. They feed us too well up here. Good to find another Perthian on here.