RainbowLove90 Member


  • I'm a veggie and have been for 8 years now, over the years I've found myself becoming stricter and almost borderline vegan in some respects. I could see myself going the whole hog (ha ;) ) one day and being fully vegan. I'm always after more veggie/vegan friends on here for support and sharing of tips and advice so feel…
  • YOU GUYS! :D That is all so helpful, thanks so much for taking the time to share all your wisdom :) I'm definitely going to try out some sort of protein/soya shake or powder to see how I get on with it and I'm just gonna do loads more cooking with lentils, chickpeas, edamame beans etc. @Rho91 that chickpea sandwich filling…
  • Thanks guys, that's some great info :) really appreciated
  • You can do it :) You've chosen the best and in my opinion, one of the healthiest goals you could have for yourself - wanting to be healthier and fitter to play with your kids. So just think of how much they'll love it on the tough days and hopefully that will remind you all the hard work is well worth it :#