a_kuhlman Member


  • @curt911 a protein shake is exactly what I need. Since I cannot drink my favorite ISO whey bc if the milk products. I'm ordering a plant based protein. I'll add a scoop to a smoothie full of carbs to refuel after very very long runs. Thanks!!
  • Thank you again!! I am enjoying the responses. I'll be checking the organic isle for soy chocolate milk to refuel after a long run. @glevinso I agree with you, I don't need to refuel unless it's over 6 miles. My body does need something then. I'm on a higher carb/fats meal plan bc I'm weight lifting as well. I cannot lose…
  • Thank you all for the ideas. My best option sounds like chocolate milk. I'm off dairy for "breakout" reasons. Lots of added hormones. So I might try the silk almond Chicolate milk.