andrea9133 Member


  • I like to drink, but I think it is my greatest anti-motivator since it makes me want to press the snooze bar too many times when I should be getting up by 5:20 to get my workout in. Since I'm starting all over again on here, I really need to curb the drinking and lower my tolerance so I don't overdo it!
  • I tried Belviq about a year ago for about 5 months and did pretty well, but then again I was also eating well and exercising regularly. I had no effects from it at all. I never heard about only allowing to be on it for 3 months then off. But I wasn't able to get a refill because I wait over 37 days from my previous refill…
  • I haven't seen anyone mention "Outsiders". Season 2 starts on this week. An unlawful clan who live away from society on a mountain, who are fighting to keep big corp from taking their mountain. One of the stars is Opie from SOA. I think it doesn't get much attention because it's on a network I've never heard of -- WGN.
  • I did this before, lost over 50 pounds, then just gave up. But I am back...I'm on my 117th day, I've lost 24 pounds so far and have another 30-ish to go. This time around I've friended people who at first were complete strangers, now they are my rocks and they keep me going. I am determined, with my new friendships to keep…
  • Same here! I got so fit 2 years ago then completely crashed and burned! An upcoming cruise in March, not to mention the fact that I feel horrible in my clothes, has gotten me to get back on track. I am on Day 23 of tracking my food and doing Slim in 6 and so far 9 pounds is gone! You can do this!