aloise08 Member


  • Woohoo! You got this! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to see your progress and although we're at different weight loss goals we can still keep each other accountable and encourage each other! :) My name is Emily!
  • With your height and not too much extra weight to lose you have to remember that you are now playing a waiting game. Think of it this way. If your TDEE is 1500 calories per day (I'm low balling here based on your height if you were to have a sedentary day), and you consumed 1300 calories, that's a 200 calorie deficit. One…
  • 22, Female, Canada!
  • You can add me! :)
  • Hi there! I don't have the same weight loss goals as you, but I'm the same height so that's kind of something right? Lol. Anyways! My name is Emily and if you'd like we can support each other, offer advice and help keep each other on track :smile: I will add you and we can chat!