1. yes genetic factor 2. What is your ratio? Current research suggests the ratio is most important. I have high cholesterol but my HDL is very high and my ratio is good. So I ignore anybody that tries to scare me and push me on a drug I don't need. 3. Psyllium fiber!! Doc wondered what I did different to lower mine. That…
You are definitely not alone! Nothing is worse than sitting at home alone with a house full of ice cream and cookies to keep you company. They are poison. At first the rush is real, there is a true chemical reaction in the brain in response to sugar (often said to be similar & stronger than cocaine), but then the crash and…
How many days have you lasted with zero sugar? There is a definite "hump" to get over. Then even carrots will taste sweet. Gotta tough it out to get there though. And if you are eating pre-made processed food it has sugar added.
What a douche, take your business elsewhere. No comment at all should have been made by him.
No, those guys can do it because they set their mind to it and quit making excuses. They did it because every day they got up, decided they knew what they had to do and they did it. Every freaking "I'm too tired, I'm too busy, I'm too hungry, I'm craving candy, I'm metabolically damaged, I have bad genes, I'm tired of…
Make sure you drink plenty of water all day. Curious to see how much you actually drink. 1 gallon would be approx need with your level of activity. Salt your food, salt is your friend. Do u take any pre-workout drinks/powders? Those make me feel like awful, I cant use any of them. Any processed man-made foods/drinks or do…
Woozy during lifting or woozy during the cardio part? How long does the cardio last, HIIT style? Are you on any medications? IMO your calories are fine. No reason you should not be able to lift heavy for an hour then do 15-25 min HIIT afterwards without feeling ill.