

  • Actually, saying you lose more weight while breastfeeding isn't true. Your uterus shrinks back more quickly, making you appear smaller, but your body does need to hang onto fat for milk production. Studies have shown that most nursing mothers hang onto roughly 10 extra pounds until they are done nursing. I have breastfed…
  • paragard iud. I had this after my first two children. I had it in for about 5 years and then removed it (paragard is good for 10 years) to have my third. zero hormones, no side effects. worth looking into at least.
  • Also, is anyone nursing? Or know how to get nursing support here? I'm not full time nursing anymore as baby is older and eating solids too, but I want to eat enough to keep my milk supply healthy until he is ready to wean.
  • Can I join too? I'm trying to get off my baby weight too...not sure if its my age this time or just the fact that I'm busier as he was #3 but I'm having a tough time.