mdl2001 Member


  • A pound of muscle a week is possible, but not realistic. A good way to judge if your gaining fat is if your starting to get more pudgy around the middle. If your just gaining muscle, then you wouldn't be getting bigger in the middle, you would gain size in your arms, legs, etc. Although they say cardio isn't as important…
  • I would second that recommendation...getting a personal trainer in the beginning is very helpful. They can create a program and show you proper form. Having a program or workout to follow will help you feel confident in the gym. If you don't want to pay for a personal trainer then checkout or even UTube for…
  • Imbalances are common and if your PT is good, they will listen to you and make adjustments as necessary. For instance, I noticed that my right bicep was developing more than my left bicep, so my PT had me use the Nautilus free weight machines which worked my arms independently. At the next month's measurement my biceps…
  • Thanx for the link! I have been just writing down my workouts in a journal, but I will start using the app. Does the app also track how many calories you burn lifting? If not, is there an app that does?
  • Thank you ladies for your responses :)