alssatter Member


  • Same boat as you I have about 116 lbs. that I want to lose maybe a few more.
  • That is the scale I have and love it! Make sure you get one with the "tare" button so you put things on a plate/bowl and weigh them. It is so handy and makes me very aware…
  • I go over my sugar a lot too. I think as long as it is the natural sugar that is in fruit and not the artificial sugar then you should be okay.
  • Someone responded to me in a post that was a pretty low blow. It made me want to delete this whole thing and forget about trying to get healthy but then I remembered I am not doing this for the rude and immature people of the work but for myself. Not everyone is going to be supportive of your lifestyle change but just try…
  • All I would drink everyday is some kind of coke beverage and rarely any water. It was my personal choice to just cut It out of my diet completely. I did not drink seltzer in the first place so that was not an issue. At this point and time water is my only beverage.