Hi! You're about my size and weight. I'm 5'3" and currently 132 down from 139. Are you just wanting to change your diet or are you exercising as well?
Love your story! Thanks for sharing. You look fantastic!
Hello all! I'm 42 and had my one and only kiddo when I was 36. While I lost the baby weight in about two years, I was left with a severe case of abdominal diastasis. Basically, my big baby left my ab muscles with a 12 cm split. I've recently had surgery to correct the split, now I'm working on getting my core strength…
@Looncove_Farm You are really moving! Definitely burning more calories than the average "sedentary" lifestyle.. :)
@Forty6and2 I'll read that link when I have a moment, thank you! I didn't use MFP generic caloric settings as I had help from a nutritionist from the beginning. But she did recommend a heart rate monitor as well. I am using it every chance i get!
Garden of Life Raw Protein. Vanilla flavored. Its organic, plant based, non GMO.. all the good stuff! I'm always on the look out for organic protein. So far this is the one I like best. I don't have any diet restrictions and if I stumble across an organic whey protein I'd be willing to try it out too. I just want "clean"…
Hi, this is something i was confused about as well. But a question for you, when you established your goals, did you factor in that you would be exercising? For example, my caloric goal is 1500. but that includes the fact that i intend to work out 3 times a week for at least 60 min. So when I add my exercise to the diary…
Every morning, nudie before my shower. Then maybe just before bed for the fun of it. I like to see how much my weight changes throughout the day.
Christian as well! feel free to add me :)
love love love grapefruit! I eat a half of one most every morning. I don't do it for weight loss though. in fact i sprinkle salt over it.. :)
@lauranewman130 glad you took the class! it is my *favorite* form of cardio. I go 2-3 times a week. Lots of good advice given! Just don't let the saddle soreness get you down. Keep coming back!! Stand when you need to, go at your own pace and soon you will see your resistance going up. Best of luck!
Cant I do both? Hit my macros with clean eating?