Bhemi Member


  • Why thank you! I am almost there. Trying for 200 lbs even which would put me at a total loss of just under 120. After that I really want to focus on toning and some muscle gain.
  • Well since joining MFP it has helped me on my year and a half journey. Total lost is at 113.3 pounds. Since joining SYSK I've lost 18.2. That would put us at 416.1 or 321. Love seeing all of the SYSK fans on here!
  • Hello fellow SYSK peeps! I'm Brian, 6'0" and currently at 210.2 lbs. My heaviest was 332. It's been a year and a half journey to my end goal. My goal is to get down to 200 and then go for more weights and less cardio to get at a final weight of 210. I think this group is a great idea. I know we can all help each other get…