

  • Agreed @runfoorun‌! Once a habit is developed that is half the battle. I know 80% of it is the nutrition aspect and what I feed my body. Sadly, in America it is so backwards. It costs $1 for a burger and $5+ for a salad. Being that I am a nurse and constantly on the go...that is my biggest struggle. Many times I literally…
  • @johnfraser95‌ I will take any tips I can get! And I greatly appreciate the offer. :) @mahandkp‌ yes as mothers we tend to gain weight and keep it on! Lol. I am determined to lose the belly fat mostly, without having too much extra skin. Belly fat seems to be the most stubborn for me.
  • @bull_address‌ that is so great! Good job, keep up the progress! :)
  • @PaulaWallaDingDong‌ Exactly, I am not quite sure why relationships effect our weight. Comfort I suppose. Thank you for the motivational words. We can do this!!! :)
  • @jckimbell‌ absolutely....only way to get it done....dive in head first! Lol. Even when I want to rely on my floaties! @Feistycat yes, being single and ready to mingle keeps the motivation at a all time high. I want to be loved for more than just my looks. And I have found that although I am at my heaviest (well to me…