

  • Am 19, 5.1 ft, 8.1 stone and i got weighed and measured in boots today and it come back i have a body fat of 35.5% and my body fat mass is 18.1kg. Could some one give me advice on what i can do to make it lower as i wouldnt class myself as fat also I know i have a little bit of fat round my stomach but nothing to bad?
  • Am 19, 5.1 ft, 8.1 stone and i got weighed and measured in boots today and it come back i have a body fat of 35.5% and my body fat mass is 18.1kg. Could some one give me advice on what i can do to make it lower as i wouldnt class myself as fat also I know i have a little bit of fat round my stomach but nothing to bad?
  • Am 19, 5.1 ft, 8.1 stone and i got weighed and measured in boots today and it come back i have a body fat of 35.5% and my body fat mass is 18.1kg. Could some one give me advice as i wouldnt class myself as fat also I know i have a little bit of fat round my stomach but nothing to bad?
  • i just went to boots and got myself weighed there am 19 5.1 ft and I weigh 8 stone 1 My body fat says 35.5% which is very high, any on know how i could get that down?