

  • I just got Thai spring rolls from my local standby restaurant yesterday and they had spearmint leaves in them. I had forgotten that! And basil goes well too.
  • Great! Hope you enjoyed! Rachel
  • Go on and check out the site/forums/articles. His style of eating for losing weight is great. I'm using his formula for weight loss found in the book The Primal Blueprint. My own MyFitnessPal goal settings are as follows: 1900 calories per day. Weight loss of 1 pound per week. 20% Carbs 20% protein 60%…
  • You might gain some tips and encouragement from The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferris. Sometimes you even need a food binge to break the plateau. There are many examples of various scenarios in the book. I am admittedly a novice, but I do look at body fat percentage rather than total weight.