niamhjruss Member


  • I'm removing my comment because I reread your original post and you said your binge eating isn't at all emotional, so my response about emotional binge eating isn't topical. Wishing you the best in ending the restrict/binge cycle, sounds like you have lots of good suggestions on the thread!
  • I had a similar experience, and becoming hyper focused on my body, overexercising and attaching guilt and fear to food ultimately led to exhaustion, binge eating, and regaining the 15 pounds I lost. Now I'm relearning a positive relationship to food as nourishment and trying to maintain body positivity as I restart my…
  • This happens to me too. I've had success taking a magnesium citrate supplement before bed. If you try it, make sure to start with a small dose to avoid gastrointestinal problems (in higher doses it will keep you... regular). I fall asleep easier and don't have side effects the next day (I can't take things like Benadryl or…
  • I'm in! I'm generally a lurker but I'm hoping announcing a goal will keep me committed. I've been gaining and losing the same five pounds for awhile, and I want to take it to the next level this month! CW is 124.5 October goal is 119 Ultimate goal is whatever weight looks lean Height: 5' 3"