Don't stop this time. If you have one bad day, don't let that be the day that stops you. Be strong. You got this!!!
You got this! Don't let this be like every other time. Make this YOUR YEAR!!!!
Most def start walking. No matter how slow you walk, you are always walking laps around the person sitting on the couch!!! You got this!
You got this!!!!! Be stronger than any excuse! Together we all can do it.
Awesome!! So glad to have found someone at the same playing level as me. Thanks for the add!!
Holy moly I never realized that either. I always pick the handicapped stall. Can't wait tol I lose enough to not do that anymore!!
Your before pics def look a lot like mine. I had four c sections and I am having problems with the stupid flap above my pubic bone. I guess there is no real way to get rid of that without surgery. Great job by the way. I am on the road to where you are now ;) thanks for sharing!!