sarsun23 Member


  • Great job ladies! Here's my update: Starting weight - 168 lb (1/4/17) February Starting Weight-162.3 lb February Goal - 158 Ultimate goal - 151 1/30/17: 162.3lb 2/5/17: 159.4lb 2/15/17: 157.2 lb (traveling for work--late on weigh in) HIT MY MONTH GOAL EARLY! :smiley: 2/19/17: 2/26/17: Zanzibar Vacation! (Aiming for even…
  • I love the Fresh20--- it's a subscription service that sends you 5 dinner recipes per week with no more than 20 ingredients (+staples) and a shopping list. They have veg/paleo/gluten free options, but we do the classic and I just make substitutions as needed for restrictions. There are also nice meal plans on…
  • Looking for a twin! Age: 32 Height: 5'10" (yea tall ladies!) HW (&SW): 168 (1/4/2017) CW: 159.4 GW: 151 to start I'm doing Couch25k, currently on week 5 and trying to add a little strength training as well. I am trying to do clean eating (though I allow alcohol and the occasional cheese--being realistic :smile: ) and use a…
  • New to the MFP groups and late to the party, but wanted to join in! Starting weight - 168 lb (1/4/17) February Starting Weight-162.3 lb February Goal - 158 Ultimate goal - 151 1/30/17: 162.3lb 2/5/17: 159.4lb 2/12/17: 2/19/17: 2/26/17: Zanzibar Vacation! (Aiming for even this last week)