

  • I weigh myself all the time. It helps me keep tabs on how I'm doing and reinforces my goals! If you wait a month and have gained you've wasted all that time that you could have adjusted your patterns of eating and exercise! If you don't need to lose a lot then waiting longer isn't going to hurt but I don't think weighing…
  • So...I'm addicted to bacon. I cannot seem to get enough :blush: I've actually still lost 10 lbs since starting on this "get healthy" journey 4 wks ago but I keep eating the bacon--several times a week. It's protein and all but it still can't be good for the old arteries!
  • Hey! I'm Kellie from Tennessee. I started on this journey about 4 wks ago with a goal of 100 lbs to lose. With enormous help from myfitnesspal and a new gym membership I'm already down 10 lbs today!! This is the first time I've looked at the forums and would love to have some friends with similar weight loss goals. I'm a…