CalvaryWasForYou Member


  • Ladies, thank you for the warm welcome. I love how all in this group seem to be such great friends, despite coming from all over the world. That's truly wonderful! And the support, encouragement, care and concern shown for each other is genuine, which drew me in in the first place. Been trying to read back through posts…
  • Congratulations, Nancy! That's wonderful progress! You've been through so much in the past and it has only made you a stronger woman today. How awesome!!! :)
  • Hello again, ladies! Dana here, once again. I managed to drag myself to the gym along with my 19 yr old son and had an intense workout. It felt good to be back in the gym again. How I've missed it! A little bit more about me: I was married for 26 years until my husband decided we were done and he didn't want to be married…
  • Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Dana, I live in central Indiana, close to Indianapolis, I'm 51, mother to 6 great kids (my baby will be 18 in September so all will be adults) and grandmother to 2 darlings! I've been on my weight loss journey since March of 2013 and lost 50 lbs the first year and another 15 by the end…