Apparently I eat sawdust, am too scrawny, and need to get meat on my bones. My parents pile on refined carbs and expect me to clean my plate. I'm actually a healthy BMI middle range with 24% body fat, but they say I'm borderline underweight. Thing is, I'd love some meat\muscle on my bones; even fat on the upper half. I…
That depends entirely upon your current weight, height, frame size, caloric intake, and the nutritional value of your food choices. Jealousy may play a part, but so could friendly concern. Can't really answer this without information.
Questioner, also a bit of a rebel. I'll think about why I want to lose weight, study the concept, and weigh the pro's and cons. Then figure out how I want to do that on my own, make it work and find creative ways to do it...and I definitely fight against social norms...that incudes the food obsession forced down our…
Nope. I don't do amusement parks. My world is already wild enough without spending my life savings on life-threatening activities! :D Have you ever run barefoot through a 2 ft. of snow?
I often feel sick when I look at small holes or clustered objects. English Tea Muffins terrified me as a child and I still don't like to eat aerated chocolate.
Learn a to do a handspring, walkover, and get down to comfortable splits without stretching for two hours first.
and mailed her the recipe.