interstellarburst Member


  • I'm just feeling so discouraged. I've lost 13lb in 3.5 weeks and I know that is great progress. However I see no visible difference. I know that at my size it's a drop in the bucket....
  • Give up as much sugar and sweeteners as possible. I still slip here and there but I pretty much don't drink coke, use sugar or splenda. If I need something sweetened I use a little bit of honey. Artificial sweeteners trigger the same hormonal response that produces insulin with no actual sugar. My rule these days is if…
  • For years I have been struggling. I started trying to lose again about 3.5 weeks ago at 403lb. I just weighed myself today at 390. By the end of this week I will be in the 380s. It sounds so sad to be excited about that but for the past year I have varied between 405 and 395. So to be down into the next 10s... Idk. I'm…