

  • @hhackley‌ Thats amazing, stories like yours keep me motivate... keep up the great work!!
  • @tch2speak‌ Thanks for the positive feedback and motivation @jcondeee‌ the advice i was given was to make sure to hydrate, make sure you eat enough, be mindful of the nutritional facts of the alcohol and the mixer being used... i had a patron margarita as well as a grey goose and tonic water....
  • The only thing i have removed from my diet is fast food, junk food, and soda.... i had already given up most carbs... i still eat steaks, ground meat, pork cops, and my fav seafood... i replaced white rice and mashed potatoes with cauliflower.... i measure my food and if i get hungry i have a salad with waldens 0…
  • Thanks @TinaGA2015‌ my sister reached her ideal weight in 3 months... her goal was 40 pounds... she phased out and has been able to keep the weight off for over a year... seeing real life success stories and encouraging words like yours help keep me motivated... i still have a long way but im keeping the faith
  • Thanks for your concern but I did not jump into this without research and seeing proven results for myself... i personally know people who have lost the weight and have been able to maintain that loss... there are many different ways to do this... and there are modified versions of everything... Im not sure if you have…
  • My problem is i can cook and i love to eat... lol... i have been able to alter my recipes to maintain taste and really dont feel like im missing anything except simple carbs and that was the habit i needed to break... that snicker a day was keeping the 2 piece away.... Every diet is not for everyone... You have to find the…
  • Its more than losing water weight.... You change you eating habits and take in less calories which is the only way to loss weight... Every diet requires you take in fewer calories.... I know people personal that have used atkins and ideal protein took the weight off (50+ pounds) and were able to keep it off... If you go…