md7068 Member


  • Week 2 has beek okay for me so far! I don't know exactly what the scale will be tomorrow, but I've been good foodwise, and though I wasn't crazy active, I still got 60-90 minutes in of activity every day, so we'll see :3
    in Week Two! Comment by md7068 June 2015
  • Hey, I'm Margaret. Abhalphiest on reddit. I'm an Orange Iguana, 20F, 5'9, SW 270 CW 203 GW 135 My diary is open, I accept all friend requests, and I log everything (even 0 cal things like tea and hot sauce, lol), so feel free to creep on me. :)
  • We're majestic.
  • Chugging away at schoolwork, mostly :) Weightloss wise I haven't been getting out running as often as I'd like, but that's okay. My legs were due for a rest anyways. I've been comfortably within the 2 lbs lost/week calorie goal, but I think shark week is coming so we'll see what the scale tells me at the weigh in tomorrow…