I am 5'6", 150 pounds, don't necessarily need to 'lose' weight but would definitely want to tighten up all around. Fitness Blender has workouts of any and all variation. The program I am doing is more strength based not cardio so supersets and regular sets of a variety of moves. I have 5, 10, and 20 lb weights I use during…
Thank you, I have been looking for an alternative to lunges. Step-ups are a great idea I never thought of!
Finished my ab program! Now my next mini goal is to finish Round 2 of the Butt and Thigh program!
barefeet all the way. or if you want an in between option get those socks with the grippies on the bottom
Anything can be a bad example if you don't want to believe it. In any regard, good thing not ALL agree and there are some professionals that are willing to help those suffering. And if that still doesn't please you at least there was another type of addiction mentioned that millions suffer from as well (a good example!)
check out they have tons of FREE workout vids and you can search by exactly what you are wanting to do.
This is awful advice. Of course it can be an addicting substance. By this logic you might think sex can't be addicting because it's not a substance either, or gambling because it's not a substance either, and yet there are lots of people who suffer from sex and love addiction, and gambling addictions. This is an ignorant…
if you're looking for specific programs to do Fitness Blender has tons of free workout videos. On their website you can filter by exactly what you are wanting to work out that day (upper body, lower body, abs, butt) and it will pull up workouts for you. You can also purchase a preplanned 4 week workout program from them…
doing this everyday doesn't really give your muscles a break to grow (read: tone)...
what new workout program are you doing?
I finished my butt and thigh program! I am done week 1 of my ab program!
This^^ weight loss = no more nutrients = yes
i would like to lose 10. by mid-june.
chocolate milk. 320 calories for 2 cups. i wanted to throw it all up to get the calories back.
why don't you take an average for the whole week, that way it's way more consistent and it's not on a "high" or "low" day
i eat 2 pieces of rye toast, 2 tsps of butter/margarine, and half an avocado. sometimes i'll have a glass of chocolate milk to go with.
i am the exact same way. i think it just truly boils down to you actually wanting it or not. for me, i KNOW how i want to look but i don't want to do the work to get there. you have to get to the point where the way you want to look is worth the work getting there.
if you do even a 10 minute pure cardio video, you might lose 100-200 calories, that could be enough for a snack.
muscle can weigh more than fat. this tricks you into thinking you are either gaining weight or not losing as much weight, but really you are just building muscle.
Oh ok, so then once I'm done do I weigh the scraps and subtract them that way?
my go to is avocado toast. it's filling and DELICIOUS!!! I also like hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese and berries, and/or cereal
when i realized i'm not too far from what my goal is and if i work hard for a few months i can look exactly how i want.
- they have tons of videos, you can search for exactly what you are looking for, and they have flexibility videos as well. they even have a 4-week flexibility program where they schedule the correct workouts for you. they are fantastic for any and all types of workout vids.
crying when the doctor told me i was about 20 pounds heavier than i had EVER imagined
1. finishing the last 2 weeks of my 4 week butt and thigh program 2. completing the 4 week ab program 3. completing round 2 of the 4 week butt and thigh program 4. having more muscle definition in my stomach and a rounder, stronger butt
update: I have kept running almost every day (taking a break every 2nd or 3rd day) and my shins no longer are in that much pain. just a matter of time for them to remold into whats the new norm. i can now run at a good pace for close to 10 minutes without stopping, i am happy with my progress, and will continue to keep…
wow that is an awesome thread, thank you so much
I have the exact same problem. I enjoy soda too much and diet soda just isn't the same.
im in the same boat. and the carbonated waters...... ew.
it's a video that switches it up with 5 different kinds of squats, definitely couldn't do just regular squats that long. it has lunges + lifts, lunge pulses, double dip squats, static squats, squat pulses