jlcase0000 Member


  • Well I did pretty good! I'm being careful with my logging and I stopped counting my exercise calories and finally lost 2 lbs this week! I may have figured out why I was stuck, now I need to stick with it.
  • I had trouble getting any weight off from the start, even logging faithfully. But then I stopped using the extra calories from exercise, and that helped. Sometimes I use some or most of them, but I try to not use them.
  • These are great comments and really strike home with me. I lost 50 pounds during my divorce 15 years ago, and I remember telling a friend nothing tastes as good as tucking in my shirt! I kept it off for a long time but the past couple of years, the weight has crept up on me and now I need to lose about 25 pounds but it's a…
  • I'll give it a shot: Goals for the month 1) Keep logging food daily, but measure it and try to be more accurate in the log 2) Exercise daily, either walking the dog, or even better riding my bike if the weather cooperates 3) See the scale move (downwards :p ) It's been stuck for a long time 4) Do something creative every…
  • Thanks everyone for the sanity to balance the (sometimes) insanity that goes on in my head after losing control. I think it's good advice to weigh my food since I've been eyeballing it and guessing amounts. Also good to take a deep breath and keep trying :)
  • I went into a four day spiral of eating way too much. i was doing great for a few weeks, tracking all my food, staying within my goals, walking every day then BAM, I have a bad day and lose all the ground I've made. Any suggestions? I'm 52 and losing weight had become a mystery to me. Nothing that worked in the past works…