iharvestmoons Member


  • I'm 30. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • She only did it once, but I'll never forget it. Everyone was having a cookie and I asked for one, but because I was fat it had to be determined whether or not I should be allowed to have a cookie. That hurt. I was young. Maybe 10ish. I didn't know why I was fat. I didn't know about diet and exercise. It was up to them as…
  • This is almost my exact situation. My sister is naturally very VERY thin. We're 11 months apart. I'm the middle child. My brother (5 years younger than me) is also naturally incredibly thin. I guess the gene just skipped me. I've been on the bigger side since about the 2nd or 3rd grade from what I can remember to about the…
  • I find it's really hard to get motivated to work out by myself. If someone else is pushing me to do it with them then I have no problem. I think even people getting on to me on the feed here might even help. Feel free too add me.
  • Hey, I'm 5'2" and 150 with a few goals.. 140, 135, maybe ultimately 125. I haven't been 125 since high school and the biggest I was recently was 175 after I had my kid almost 3 years ago. I was 140 pre-baby, but can't seem to shake those last 10 lbs. I can diet just fine, but my biggest problem is that I now work at a desk…