Deckhand562 Member


  • It's because when you add your exercise, it credits (debits?) the calories burned into your daily allotment. I don't put all of my workouts and calories burned into my diary for just this reason. I don't want to mistakenly devour my deficit! Hope this helps!
  • Great words to live by!
  • LOVE this! Both!
  • Honesty and Employment
  • Hey, Linna, feel free to add me! I've been on MFP for a couple years, on and off, but I finally hit my bottom late last year and have progressed into a happier and healthier me! I'm 25 lbs down with 40 to go!
  • That is so awesome, congrats! Thank you for your inspiring story!
  • All good advice, but what kind of workouts are you doing? Some people preach 'cardio only', some 'weights weights weights'! I've been successful in all things in moderation. Good luck to you and keep on truckin'!
  • Hey, Annamay! Welcome and congrats! I've never been happier since I had my sleeve on Jan 25, 2016. I was 225 morning of my surgery, I only had to do the liquid pre op for two days, but I quit bad foods and alcohol (AHHHH!) on Jan 1. This morning I am 198.7 and the scale is still dropping! A little anxiety is expected and…
  • I couldn't go during work hours, but it got easier going after I get off work. Some people can do the morning routine, I like to sleep a lot
  • You could drop your calories to 1400 for the weight loss, that helped me. Walking alone will not do it. You've got to do the strength training to get more lbs lost and tone your body. Don't get me wrong, walking is great - lowers cholesterol, helps give you natural energy - it just can't be the only exercise you're…
  • Congrats! Not a bad start at all! I'm currently 201, lost 28 lbs, am ready to be under 200 as well! You can do this!
  • I weigh daily so that I can keep up with what foods/drinks are causing bloating or the appearance of weight loss stall. It's helped me make smarter decisions when weighing daily, b/c I now know that if I eat a little of that creamed spinach (i.e. spinach dip lol), the scale will most likely go up, rather than down!…
  • I love my sweet potatoes with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. But I also had a pre-diabetes and high bmi problem :p So, now, I bake them, use spray margarine, cinnamon, and Splenda...they're great! I have heard a lot of people that put cottage cheese on top, I haven't tried that one yet. I'm still getting used to cottage…
  • OHMYGOODNESS, me too! I didn't even know I had the hh! I had no pain after either. After my one week follow up, my dietitian couldn't believe it. She even said, "so you just had a nip and tuck, then?" LOL
  • I agree with pele. I find that my fitbit calculates an extremely high rate of calories burned, so I don't count any calories as a calorie adjustment in MFP.
  • Hi, Nicole! Do you have a workout buddy? When I first started working out, I had four different friends (one male) that I could count on at least one day a week after work. Now, I go right after work before my buddies get there so that I can 'cheat' an extra 30 minutes into a workout! I love the gym and I have two rules I…
  • TBH, I never had any nausea or vomitting and I'm four weeks out now. My period was even normal too. How has your diet been during this last week? maybe you can find a trigger in there?
  • I stopped all caffeine about two months prior to surgery, just in case. I had trouble sleeping the first couple nights, (I'm four weeks out now) but it leveled off when I found my new comfortable sleep. I didn't have a cold feet issue, per se, but I always have socks on! Keep at your diet, gets all the fluid your doc wants…
  • Hey, all! I'm almost four weeks post-op and doing really well. I'm a veteran of MFP, but a newbie to groups. Congrats on your decision to live a healthier life for you! Message or send friend requests if you like!
  • We're doing a biggest loser challenge at my office. We've all signed up and paid our fees in December. I'm looking forward to winning that $700 in April on our final weigh-in!
  • I have two motivations, one shallow and one sincere. I want to be healthy and live a long time with my new husband, but I also want his ex-wife's jaw to drop next time I 'run into' her in the grocery store. :p
  • Hi, everyone! I'm new to the group, four weeks post-op, 23 lbs down and loving my decision! I've been a fan of MFP for years, but I'm new to groups! So happy to have found you all! :)
  • Congrats and happy day to you! :) Two weeks pre on Jan 29, you must be in your first week at home? How are you doing? I'm almost four weeks post and doing really well.
  • First of all, congrats on your new lifestyle decision! I'm almost four weeks out and I am feeling GREAT! :) Here is my daily intake right now, hopefully it will help you: 8am & 3pm - protein shake of Integrated Supplements Whey Protein Isolate Powder…
  • Just keep adding it all in, you'll see the difference in your clothes, scale, skin, everything! I'm working out 4-5 hours a week, but I walk every single day. I love MFP and have been successful with the mobile app. Keep working at it and you'll see! :)
  • That sounds perfect! Parades are rolling soon, better than Mardi Gras if you ask me :p
  • Welcome! Proud Irish/Italian in New Orleans, Louisiana!
  • Louisiana, geaux tigers!
  • Slidell, LA here!
  • 36/F/Louisiana